“I’ve been trying different marketing tactics but still not getting clients”

trying different marketing tactics pic

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That’s a common struggle for coaches.

If you are experiencing the same struggle as a coach, it could be because of any of the following reasons:

1. Not using a correct marketing strategy- a marketing strategy that’s built around where your potential clients hang out in order for you to connect with them, reach out to them or reach them.

2. Or it’s a correct marketing strategy but the execution of it is poor- the mechanics of it is poor, possible there some things missing or you simply not doing it right.

3. Or your coaching business is missing the important foundation layer,  coaching service market fit.

Coaching service market fit:

*Market validation – does your coaching provide a solution that people want and willing to pay for.

*Positioning – If they do, have you position yourself as someone who can help them. How well have you positioned yourself?

*Communication – And how do you communicate your help. How do you convey your message or communicate with them? Do you do it in a way that resonates with them?

4. Or all 3 above.

If you’ve been trying different marketing tactics but still not getting clients, find out which of the above reasons is the reason for that in order to fix it.

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