Is this coaching niche profitable?

Profitable coaching niche pic

How do I choose my coaching niche?

These are some of the questions I constantly get from coaches.

When it comes to coaching, you don’t choose a niche or go to a niche because you think it’s profitable.

Coaching is way more than just some cash cow, my friends. When you take a pledge to become a coach, you are pledging to help people and change their lives. That’s your number one goal as a coach.

So you never ever choose a coaching niche but your niche would be an outcome of the alignment of the people you want to help through coaching them because of your deepest why(often your own transformation or life journey) and the desire for the help that your coaching provides.

If this done right, like some of us, you’ll feel like you’ve found your true purpose in this world.

At my coaching business with my coaching program that’s exactly what we help you discover, just like one of our clients in this screenshot who for the first time felt she found her true purpose.

So in conclusion when it comes to your niche. Don’t choose a niche but align the people you want to help through coaching them because of your deepest why and the desire for the help that your coaching provides.

And you’ll have a successful and impactful coaching business.

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