Communication is key in coaching

communication is a key in coaching pic

In coaching, communication is the key and that’s why I emphasize that in this program. Although I show you exactly how to derive your message to communicate what you do as a coach and how you can help your potential clients using the exact words that they use to describe their challenges and desired outcomes.

Sometimes that may not be enough to be heard by your potential clients or get their attention. Because they are busy and everybody is trying to get their attention so you have a very small window to get their attention and make them see that you are the one who can help them with so much noise out there.

Depending on the topic you coaching on but sometimes your potential clients may need to be made feel a certain way for them to give you attention and feel like you worth paying attention to a little more because you resonate.

One of the ways of doing that is to talk about the challenges of your clients in-depth. The most effective way of doing that is by sharing the transformational story whether yours(works best if it’s yours) or others. Through that story, you can share the struggles, challenges, pains in depth before the transformation that your potential clients can relate to and feel like you can help them achieve that transformation too.

If you feel like you are not getting any traction or people want to work with you, try that.

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