
  • How to overcome a lack of belief in your coaching when you are just starting out pic

    How to overcome a lack of belief in your coaching when you are just starting out.

    I see that a lot from new coaches who are starting out. And  It is one of the reasons that takes them longer to get people to sign up clients. I see this time and time again. And I was also a victim of it when I was starting out. New coaches lack belief in…

  • communication is a key in coaching pic

    Communication is key in coaching

    In coaching, communication is the key and that’s why I emphasize that in this program. Although I show you exactly how to derive your message to communicate what you do as a coach and how you can help your potential clients using the exact words that they use to describe their challenges and desired outcomes.…

  • key elements of success as a coach with your coaching business pic

    The essential key elements of success as a coach with your coaching business.

    1. Coming from a place of service. As a coach, the first and foremost thing for you is to want to help people, make an impact in their lives. Not to make money or get rich. And also not be coming from a place of desperation, needy, or scarcity. Coming from a place of service…