Find Coaching Clients

How to find coaching clients

Once ready to coach and start a coaching business to help others. You need guidance that is going help you build this coaching business that would enable you to attract clients consistently in order to help them. Good guidance will have the following 6 key things that would allow you to have a viable coaching business that reaches people who need your coaching help to help them:

1. Business foundation principles – where you lay down a good foundation to ensure that you build a coaching business that would succeed. Such as ensuring that your coaching business provides value to the market. And the value it provides is needed by the market.

2. Position and communication – you’ve positioned yourself well in your market and you know exactly how to effectively communicate the value your coaching provides.

3. Coaching solution – your coaching provides a solid solution that effectively solves the challenges of your market. In other words, your coaching solution is aligned with the challenges of your clients to give them a needed solution.

4. Marketing-  having been well positioned and armed with effective communication of your coaching value. All you need now is an effective marketing strategy or strategies to channel what’s already desired by your market.

5. Sales – and once your marketing strategy is bringing you those leads who are potential clients, you know exactly how to convert them to actual paying clients to help.

6. Business management – you then need to have the ability to manage this entire operation as a business so it works to achieve the goal of helping others and making a living out of it. 

We provide this guidance and here is a sneak peek of what it entails and looks like below:

We help coaches succeed with their coaching businesses. We help them start or build, and run coaching businesses that work and attract clients consistently.

We help, guide, and support coaches on how to start or build, and run coaching businesses that work and attract clients consistently in order to help others so they can live a life of fulfillment and financial freedom through our program Coaching Business Accelerator Program.

Here’s what the coaching program entails

Coaching Business Accelerator Program

Go at your own pace end-to-end solution program.

Simplified correct guidance, structure, and roadmap to follow in building a viable coaching business.

​Accessible support from the team.

​1 full year access & online platform.

​Access the program online from any desktop or mobile device, anywhere in the world, anytime you like.

Here’s how it works

Proven Process

We know what it takes to build a successful/working coaching business that works, we can tell straight away why the coaching business is not working, what needs fixing, what’s missing or what’s been done wrong, and what needs to be done. So there is nothing of what if it doesn’t work.

Online Learning Platform

When you enroll in the program, you get instant access to the training content so you can start your profitable coaching business today or fix any issues that are stopping you from succeeding with your coaching business. Access the training online from any desktop or mobile device, anywhere in the world, anytime you like.

Expertise Guidance

Guidance expertise from coaching business/practice specialists. Clients who use these guidance systems actively tend to get better results! 

Coaches Platform

Joining this program will mean that you would also get all the benefits of the platform premium plan as it comes as part of the premium plan.

We cover all grounds

We teach you everything you need to start & operate a viable successful coaching business.


We show you how to nail your coaching niche. How to come up with a profitable coaching niche even if you have no coaching certification or experience. We show you how to get cleared on the audience that needs your coaching. Lastly, show you how to come up with a coaching niche that guarantees that your coaching business will succeed.

Positioning & Branding

We show you how to position yourself as a number go-to coach in your market. How to communicate your value to your ideal clients in a way that resonates with them to get their interest and attention super quickly. This also shows you how to come across unique and different which allows you to stand out.


Here we help you do some inner work like your mindset is very important. Being a coach and running a coaching business is the same as running any other business except that it requires even more than the normal business as you help others change their lives. So to have the right mindset is very important. So we help you eliminate any limiting beliefs and have an unshakeable belief in yourself. We also show you how to meditate effectively to stay in control if ever things get out of control, not only that but also show you how to manifest and eliminate any blocks that stop you from getting exactly what you want in life so that your success will come quicker.

Coaching Solution

We help you create your own coaching program from scratch if you don’t have one yet. And also help you align it with what your ideal clients want as an outcome of working with you as their coach. That way you’ll have a program that helps your clients get the results that they come to you for. So you will be a highly effective coach that delivers results for his/her clients.

Client Attraction

Here we show you how to market to your audience effectively to attract them to be your paying clients. There are so many marketing techniques out there and so much misinformation about marketing that most coaches get burnt. We will show you exactly how to market, where to market, why it’ll work, why won’t work, out of dozen marketing techniques, which one to use, and the exact formula to use in that marketing technique. You’ll learn about the marketing myth that gets many coaches and you’ll have a better understanding of marketing. And you’ll never have any issues in marketing your coaching.

Client Conversion

We are going to show you how to convert a potential client to a paying client without coming across salesy and pushy. Or have to use sales scripts etc. Will show you how to turn your lead into a client by simply conversating with them and showing them the value of having you as a coach. It is super effective once you learn this, you’ll never ever have a problem getting sales for your coaching business. It is very effective.

How to join the program

NB: Joining this program comes as being part of being in the platform premium plan. Premium Plan Benefits:

*You get listed on a premium plan for 1 year as a coach on our coaches directory platform under a city you choose.

*Our mission is to inform and enlighten individuals about the positive effects coaching can have on their lives. Through our advertising and marketing efforts, we aim to encourage people to consider seeking coaching assistance or to recognize it as an additional support resource among the array of available help options

*Clients worldwide search for coaches on the platform using keywords, coach titles, or cities to connect with you.

*The Platform sends you potential coaching clients who are individuals or organizations looking for coaching.

 *You will have one year of full access to our online learning platform. This platform includes a coaching business accelerator program that guides you in starting and growing your coaching business. It teaches you how to market yourself effectively and connect with more clients. This program has a track record of producing excellent results.

*You will be a contributor on our platform visited by people worldwide seeking coaching help. This will help you connect with coaching clients.

*We display your coaching work and testimonials on our platform and social media to help you reach more clients.

This program is very detailed and comprehensive. It works, it’s proven, and delivers results

Here’s the proof below